Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Goracle Vs. Climate Cooling

The Goracle Vs. Climate Cooling

Government by crisis continues and grows exponentially.

It’s bad enough that the Obama administration speaks of an economic Armageddon if his porky stimulus bill isn’t passed, and soon, preferably yesterday, but now the incovenient man has gotten into the act to warn us, again, that we’re all going to be toast if we don’t stop global warming, and soon, preferably tomorrow.

If the planet doth not alter its ways, preacheth Gore, global temperatures could increase by 11 degrees Fahrenheit over the course of this century. “This would bring a screeching halt to human civilization and threaten the fiber of life everywhere on the earth,” Gore said. “And this is within the century, if we don’t change.” Thus spake the Goracle who parenthetically added as a qualifier, ”some scientists have said.” (

The true inconvenient truth is that most climatologists do not agree, some scientists said a while back that the Earth was flat, and a mere thirty years ago they were saying to button up your ski parka because a new ice age was imminent. That never happened, either.

Speaking before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, undismayed by Washington snow and frigidity, the former senator and VP and current climate Cassandra conducted a Power Point presentation to convince the politicos that the crisis is nigh. Despite the paucity of his expertise, the senators treated him as a weather guru even when he hypothesized that global warming ”could completely end human civilization, and it is rushing at us with such speed and force.” ( The man is stranger neither to hypotheses nor to hyperboles.

Almost at the same time, a real meteorologist and climate expert was throwing a bucket of cold water on the whole global warming charade.

Last March, Weather Channel founder, John Coleman, was thinking of suing Gore . . .

(Read the rest of this article at