Monday, March 30, 2009

Gay Seduction Day: April 17, 2009

Moments of silence are a time-honored tribute to honor the memories of notables who have contributed in some way to the well-being of society. Sometimes those moments have afforded occasion for people to reflect on their memories of American heroes, loved ones, fellow workers or fellow students who have died and who will be missed. Recently, sometimes moments, or days, of silence have been instituted to promote certain moral/political/societal efforts to seduce children.

Such is the promotion of the National Day of Silence scheduled for Friday, April 17th, 2009 in Massachusetts schools and probably in other schools in America.

What’s being promoted? Well, it’s not an effort to get kids to strive and to study harder to help insure their success in these trying times. It’s not an effort to promote students’ sense of patriotism nor an effort to get them to go to church and resolve to be better people and dedicate themselves and their sacred honor to altruism and principled lives.

The planned National Day of Silence is intended to get children to make nice to homosexuals, to accept as normal the practice of homosexuality and to give deep thought during that day toward adopting that sick lifestyle.

The Day of Silence, DOS, website,, doesn’t precisely express its aims that way. Rather, it says that it seeks to draw “attention” to “anti-LGBT [lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered] name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools.” It redundantly adds that its purpose is “to address the problem of anti-LGBT behavior” via its growing network of “hundreds of thousands of students,” which network has been in development for some twenty years.

What’s more than curious is that this group has chosen silence rather than discussion as its method of propagating its view. It would seem that if “anti-LGBT behavior” is such an overriding issue, in schools or elsewhere, it would be most proper and beneficial to air the nature of that behavior, to expose it to the clear light of day and allow for the interchange of differing ideas and points of view.

But that’s not the plan.

What is also curious at best is the acquiescence of any school administration and any teaching personnel in such Days of Silence, thereby condoning and fostering the actions of homosexuals. Rather than devote a day to improving curriculum, student attendance, student motivation, students’ lives and futures, they are setting aside time to forcefully push the homosexual agenda.

Will the devotion of a teaching day, or any part thereof, to such a group’s activities grease the skids for next year’s “Bring a Perv to School Day” or a “Day with Child Porn Purveyors?”

I guess that’s unlikely for a while even if this whole idea of silence seems un-American, even though a little silence in many American classrooms would be a welcome novelty.

However, the squelching of any debate or honest discussion is central to LGBT plans. Mandated silence on the part of the opposition, non-LGBT students, allows those promoting the Day of Silence event to freely propagandize their captive audiences without fear of dissident opinions being expressed by the vast majority of straight kids.

The very spare DOS site went on to ask for comments from participants, which it would screen before posting: “What are you and your friends doing for the Day of Silence?” it asked. ”Did you participate last year? How did your school’s administration react? Did you hold a ‘Breaking the Silence’ event? How did you celebrate it?”

Celebrate a day on which American students will be effectively muzzled and compelled to listen to this tripe, without comment? Big Brother would want to celebrate but not thinking students...
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Mr. Obama Goes To Europe

Recall those pictures from last July as candidate Barack Obama strode like a mighty colossus across Europe, regaling up to 200,000 screaming fans with his never-defined promises of change and with paid rock bands brought in to entertain the plebians?

Well, some of his plans for change have now been defined and millions here and abroad don’t like the looks of the definitions. The relatively heady days of 2008 have been supplanted with worldwide financial spasms and we are now residents of a world far different from last July.

Those ecstatic hordes of European fans greeted an Elvis-reborn, the political equivalent of a rock star, a potential new kind of American leader who promised a new and different future. They would have gone bonkers for virtually anyone who promised an end to the 8 years of misery many Europeans felt they and the planet had endured under George W. Bush. Those Obamaniacs may turn out again but their gusto may be tempered by doubts that Obama is not all he seemed to be seven months ago.

Last year, Obama wanted to ice his Berlin cake with a speech at the Brandenburg Gate, perhaps to repeat JFK’s memorable words of 45 years earlier, “Ich bin ein Berliner,” or, “I am a jelly donut,” in German slang, but he was denied that overreaching presumption. In a few days, when he speaks at the G-20 confab in London, Obama will be lucky to get a cup of tepid tea and a stale crumpet.

Had President Ronald Reagan–and Pope John Paul II–not succeeded in having Mr. Gorbachev “tear down that wall,” Obama most assuredly would have put in an appearance at the Berlin Wall, which for decades divided the free West from the enslaved East Germany. Candidate Obama, absent his teleprompter, might have delivered an inspiring oration and could have incorporated these memorable words: “Messrs. Putin and Medvedev, the world would really like you to consider, umm, y’know, maybe putting a gate in that wall there, ya know, the one behind me. Or, maybe, umm, setting a gate timetable, or something.”

But history denied him that opportunity in 2008 and will in 2009 which is regrettable since his German fans would have lapped it up, just as Hitler’s brownshirts lapped up his inspirational words 70 years ago. As a reminder of when Germans last idolized a rock star, take a listen here to how Der Fuehrer could stoke a crowd:

Now, God forbid, I am not in any way comparing Obama to Hitler. For one thing, Hitler didn’t rely on a teleprompter, for another Obama is not a card-carrying member of the “Master Race” and, for a third, Adolph referred to Negroes as “half apes” in Mein Kampf. That would make Obama a “quarter ape,” in Hitler’s mind. Nevertheless, there are definite similarities in the semi-hysterical enthusiasm of their audiences.

As Mister Obama prepares for a triumphant European reprise, this time as President of the United States and, not incidentally, Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces and reputed, unofficial Leader of the Free World, he may be in for a radically different reception from 2008. His “Euros for Obama Fan Club” . . .
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Teen Sexting II

Please see “Teen Sexting, Texting, and Suicide,” published on March 11, 2009:

The primary subject of that article was 18 year old Cincinnati area girl, Jessica Logan, who had made a grievous mistake, a mistake being made by millions of other teenagers, predominantly by teen girls: She had texted, “sexted” is the popular term, compromising pictures of herself to a boyfriend and, after their breakup, he and/or five of her “friends” forwarded the pictures to hundreds of other girls.

The result for Jessica was a living hell. She was shunned, expelled from parties, taunted and bullied on Facebook and MySpace, and received endless, random phone calls accusing her of being a slut. She ended that hell by resorting to what she felt was her only recourse. Jessie hanged herself in her bedroom last July 3rd.

To her parent’s great credit, only months after that horrific event, they are now speaking out in hopes of forestalling “copycat” suicides by other teens as a consequence of such sexting. Following their daughter’s lead–Jessica had gone public on Cincinnatti television in May, “to make sure no one else will have to go through this again”–Cynthia and Albert Logan have launched a nationwide effort to help curb sexting by children:

Jessie, an only child, was a typical Ohio teenage girl, vivacious, compassionate, artistic, outgoing, all of which traits were thrown into reverse when she learned that what she had thought were her private pictures had been widely disseminated.

She was subjected to relentless harassment, called a ”slut, porn queen, whore,” quite possibly by many peers who had engaged in similar acts of sexting indiscreet pictures. There is no definitive study on precisely how many teens actually do engage in the dangerous practice. One national estimate says 22%, although some high schools report that up to 50% have “inappropriate” pictures on cell phones. Still other stats suggest that 39% of teens have sexted and 48% admit to receiving such messages:

“Inappropriate” was not defined but . . .
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