Monday, April 13, 2009

Abortion Prosperity

It should be good news that at least one sector of our economy is thriving but, unfortunately for pre-born human life, that fact represents very bad news.

With approximately 50,000,000 legal abortions already performed in America since Roe v. Wade, the leader in the highly lucrative business of killing the pre-born has announced its bottom line is looking just peachy keen. “The Planned Parenthood Federation of American [PPFOA] released its annual report for 2007-2008 last week, revealing record net assets of $1.014 billion and an increase of 15,560 more abortions in 2007 than the previous year:”

Rendering that success even peachier, that CNS report includes what may be a revelation to some, namely that “The American taxpayer also contributed more than ever before, with $349.6 million of Planned Parenthood’s funding coming from government grants and contracts.”

The PPFOA is right up there with politicians as the most deceptive and hypocritical group in our country but, whereas politicos are generally understood to be liars and cheats, the PPFOA is considered fairly reputable. Witness that $349.6 million of hard earned taxes which goes into its coffers, thanks to you, me, and everyone else, which monies would never be funneled into a disreputable organization, right?

Why is the PPFOA deceptive, hypocritical, and disreputable? Let’s start with its very name which suggests it is an altruistic association dedicated to “planning parenthood” when, in truth, it has achieved over a billion dollars in assets largely by virtue of ending not planning the prospect of parenthood, that is, by aborting human lives. Using the word, “virtue” in the same breath with the PPFOA must in itself be immoral.

Avid supporters of avid abortion supporter, Barack Obama, the PPFOA proudly reported that it had outdone itself by performing 15,560 more abortions in 2007 than it had in 2006, or 305,310 versus 289,750. That 2007 number accounts for fully 25% of all induced abortions in America. Regrettably for the PPFOA, (and for the pre-born), it has a great deal of competition in the baby murder business. Still, 25% is anything but a shabby total and reflects the truly outstanding job they’re doing for people intent on “planning parenthood.”

The PPFOA was founded in 1925 as the American Birth Control League, ABCL, by radical eugenist/racist Margaret Sanger who sought to rid the world of “inferior” species, principally although not exclusively, Black people, via sterilization and extermination. Ironically or not so ironically, Sanger is belatedly succeeding since her brainchild today caters to, again principally though not exclusively, to minorities. Some have referred to those efforts as Black genocide:

Numbers can be very deceiving, especially when the Abortion Lobby publicizes them. For example, . . . (Read the rest at

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