Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Presidential Gaffe Tour, England

I have no qualms about Michelle O. actually touching the Queen of England. Last I heard, good Queen Liz is still a human being and probably scratches an itch, goes potty, and puts her bloomers on one leg at a time.

For America’s First Lady to reciprocally extend her arm around Liz after Liz had done the same may be a breach of British Royal Protocol, but who really cares, except the Brits?

The British Empire is long gone and the Brits should get off their high horses and dispatch them forthwith to the knackers. Within a few generations, or less, Great Britain may be a Muslim island nation on the western border of Eurabia and the Queen’s successors may be practicing Sharia Law and an ayatollah may be sitting on her throne.

British royalty has for centuries been so puffed up with a sense of its own grandiosity that it has as little comprehension for planetary realities as it has empathy for the commoners of England, the masses who mindlessly continue to fund their opulent lifestyle for the sole purpose of preserving an antiquated tradition.

Even fellow royals such as the late Princess Diana are ostracized when they thumb their royal noses at that tradition. Yet, Diana’s cheating hubby, 61 year old “Prince” Charles–next in line to Mum’s throne, he thinks– is given a pass for his multitudinous peccadillos.

Bonnie Prince Charlie is the same prince who was, allegedly, long-involved with the equinous, former Camilla Parker-Bowles and who ever-so-romantically expressed his wish to be her human tampon. That would never have worked; Chuckie is so ultra-fastidious that he has his man servant hold the cup when he must provide a urine sample.

However, I digress. Back to the Gaffe Tour.

Touching a royal, and gifting ipods stuffed with Obama speeches aside, there are gaffes and there are gaffes, lesser screw-ups vs. major screw-ups, big boners and little boners.

Like Michelle giving Liz a back squeeze, Barack’s bowing to a Saudi king may be attributable to sheer naivete’. However, when the president of the United States bowed and seemed headed down to kiss . . .
(Read the rest at

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