Saturday, April 11, 2009

Armenia, the Forgotten Genocide

The Forgotten Armenian Genocide

It began April 24th, 1915 and continued until 1917. When it was over, a million and a half Armenians were gone, dead, murdered by Turkish forces for one simple, sick reason: They were Armenians and Christians. Approximately fifty percent of a people were all but exterminated because the Ottoman Turks wanted to purify their land by ridding it of those they considered Christian “vermin.”

To this day, Turkey is an Armenian-genocide-denier, comparable to Jewish Holocaust-deniers but absent the stigma assigned to those who refuse to concede that the atrocities committed by Hitler’s Nazis actually occurred. Almost worse, and despite voluminous evidence to the contrary, America and the rest of the world seem to have accepted the official prevarications of the Turkish government that the Armenian genocide either never happened or was the consequence of a civil war.

The extensive documentation of the atrocity committed by Turks against the Armenians, the continuing Turkish denial, and the fact that the Armenian genocide of almost a century ago was a prototype for subsequent genocidal events, all were subjects of a 2005 Danish conference:

Apparently, President Obama’s advisors failed to provide him with a briefing on those events prior to his recent visit to Turkey where he never deigned to raise the issue, never asked, never demanded, that the Turks finally admit their horrendous history. That disgraceful, politically-correct omission was motivated by Turkey’s strategic importance, its predominantly Muslim population which Obama dared not offend, and a craven lack of moral will to exert pressure on a nominal ally.

If those who are blissfully ignorant of the past are destined to repeat it, American presidents who intentionally disregard history’s atrocities are destined to encourage more of the same.

Adolph Hitler knew very well what the Turks had done twenty years earlier, and gotten away with. He adopted as his templates many of their rationales and actions to effect his Great Solution for the “Jewish problem.”

To Hitler, the Jews also were vermin and he too wanted to cleanse the Motherland, as well as the rest of the planet, of all traces of their influence and presence through his infamous policy of “Judenrein.” Based on world inaction and lack of reaction to how Turkey handled their “Armenian problem,” he seems to have believed that no one would give much of a damn.

Hitler is reputed to have said in 1939, “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” ( And he was correct. . .
(Read the rest at

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