Monday, April 20, 2009

Earth Day 2009!

For all those waiting in patient expectation, this year’s Earth Day celebrations will be held this Wednesday, April 22nd, at various locales on Earth.

(Nostalgia buffs may want to peruse last year’s reflections on this momentous annual event, “Earth Day 2008″ at

This will be the 39th annual Earth Day. The 2009 and 2010 observances have been subtitled, “The Green Generation,” in recognition of the advent of spring, I foolishly assumed, but that was an incorrect assumption as it turns out. I guess the package deal is meant to reduce the Earth Day carbon footprint, or something.

Old farts may recall the original Earth Day in 1970 when its proponents were warning Earthlings to button up their overcoats, assuming that by now the then-imminent New Ice Age would have spread across the continent and enveloped everything from the Statue of Liberty to the fruited plain to the Golden Gate Bridge in one huge ice cube. We all know what assumptions and assuming can lead to.

We all make mistakes, no? The Earth Day people view critical mistakes as occasions to re-group, take a temperature reading, and re-define what they’re talking about since that can vary a great deal.

The Great Freeze Scam was thereafter supplanted in favor of the Global Warming Scam, merely coincidental with age-old, cyclical and natural solar activity, until the damned planet started cooling off again. Undismayed by reality, those who truly care about the Earth as opposed to the rest of us who don’t give a damn, switched gears and tactics and adopted a new buzz term, “climate change.” That, they figured, would cover them no matter what the Earth decided to do.

Put another way, any port in a storm, as long as an atmosphere of crisis could be maintained. Crises scared people and a sense of crisis in lieu of actual science was much more effective in instilling fear. More importantly, scared people would go along with just about anything, even absurdity.

Within the infinitesimally brief period of mere decades, the Earth Day gang had gone full circle. They initially were warning humankind that we were all gradually becoming encased in a global ice cube that would be so cold that human habitation thoughout the planet would be extinguished and we would all wish we were basking in the warm fires of Hell. It progressed to terrifying the planet that it would be bubbling over from an unbearable, unending heat. Lady Liberty and the Golden Gate could be on the verge of melting into, respectively, New York harbor and San Francisco Bay and America’s fruited plain would be like toasted oats. They finally settled on the fail-safe, mid-range buzz term of climate change which would cover their crisis-centered sorry asses no matter what.

I think the 2004 blockbuster movie, “The Day after Tomorrow” was the tipping point in the thinking of the Earth Day scaremongers. It had some great special effects but the preposterous premise that the hot horrors of global warming would, virtually overnight, lead to the frigid ferocity of global freezing tested their imaginations to such a degree that an alternative had to be found to preserve the minds of Al Gore and Company, and climate change was their savior.

Hope springs eternal with that whole crew, not hope for humanity as much as hope to accomplish the true goals of the movement which are wrapped up in U.N. schemes such as the Kyoto Protocol and re-distribution of the world’s wealth, a euphemism for stealing from Americans to give unto non-Americans . . .
(Read the rest at

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