Friday, April 10, 2009

President Critiques Our Christianity--in Islamic Turkey!

I suggest President Barrack Hussein Obama speaks only for himself when he outlandishly declared on April 6th that, “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” Ironically or intentionally dropping that bombshell at the start of the Christian Holy Week, Obama chose his audience well, Turkish Muslims.

If he wanted to re-kindle the widespread rumors that circulated during the campaign that he was a closet Muslim, he couldn’t have picked a better venue than Turkey which has a long-established history of discriminating against Christians and even, in the instance of Armenian Christians, attempting to obliterate them from the face of the Earth.
The Turks must have found great consolation in an American president visiting their country and effectively renouncing America’s Christian heritage following his obsequious bowing to the Muslim King Abdullah.

Had the circumstances been reversed and a professed Muslim-American president renounced Islam in the bowels of the Islamic world, Secret Service or no, Obama could have met the fate of other apostates and been beheaded.

That rumor of his Muslim allegiance had sufficient substance last summer and fall to force Obama-ites to devote much valuable time to refute and condemn it as an absurdity. Whether he and they protesteth too much still remains to be determined.

What is irrefutable is that his heritage and background were distinctly Islamic. His late mother is reputed to have been an atheist, an atheist who happened to marry not one but two Muslim men. Other influences in his life, his African relatives in Kenya as well as his father’s Islamic roots, his years spent in Muslim Indonesia, his Muslim roomies in college, point to the possibility that America’s new leader had more than a smidgen of the Q’uran in his blood.

(Please see “Election 2008: Muslim Smoke and Fire,”

Personally, despite all that and despite his middle name which he insisted on using at his inauguration, I don’t believe Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. More likely, he is an atheist like his mother and, as such, is an ungodly man by definition. Professed atheists and “ungodly” candidates don’t usually sit very well with the American electorate, however, so Barack needed a base which he found with the radical minister, Jeremiah Wright.

So he sat, religiously, in his pew for 20 years at the Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ–NOT of Allah–and was married by and had his two girls christened by that good reverend. Those facts were offered as proof that Obama was a good, practicing Christian. All they really proved was that he could sit in that pew and swallow Wright’s anti-American rants for two decades and he reinforced his agreement with Wright’s philosophy by allowing him to officiate at his wedding and at the christenings of his kids.

It also didn’t hurt a profoundly ambitious man to create the illusion in the minds of his future constituents that, one, he was not a Muslim and, two, that he was a devoted Christian. As fallen-away as many Americans are today, they still like to think our leaders go to church, a Christian church, in our (approximately) 77% Christian and (approximately) 0.5% Islamic nation.

I would refer the reader to Warner Todd Huston’s article, “What Are We If Not a Christian Nation?” at, which elucidates the American-Christian “connection” far better than I ever could. I’m tired of beating the dead horse proffered by those who deny America’s, and our Founding Fathers’ essential Christianity.

What I firmly believe happened at Obama’s Turkey stop was that, with or without his trusty teleprompter, our president voiced a seminal belief, or wish, that America is no longer a Christian nation, if it ever was. That belief, or wish, affords him the intellectual license to continue on his amoral, irreligious path, to change us into an atheistic society which he can mold according to his preferences.

May God forgive him and may God forgive all of us if we let him get away with it.


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