Friday, April 3, 2009

A Melange: President TDB, Sexting, Oprah

These stories currently on the wires are unrelated, unless you consider that they all reflect some form of human frailty and/or idiocy.

Gimme an S, gimme a T, gimme an I, gimme an M, gimme a U, gimme an L, gimme another U, gimme an S! S-T-I-M-U-L-U-S! YAAA!

Hold onto your shoes! You’re all, or most of you, are about to be stimulated! Yee-hah!

President TDB, for Trillion Dollar Baby, made sure in all his generosity dispensing billions to banks, insurance companies, auto makers, credit card issuers, and other well-deserving recipients of his boundless largesse, that the wee people, not the leprechauns, weren’t forgotten.

Whether they voted for him or not, most working taxpayers will be receiving–good thing you’re sitting down for this news!–a grand total of about $10-$15 a week! There are some qualifiers, of course, but legally married couples could get up to $20! (|htmlws-main|dl3|link3|

Before you dash out to Burger King and blow that windfall, just be advised that everything you eat, drink, consume in any way, such as everything in BK or Mickey D’s, supermarkets, department stores, gas stations, as well as the heating oil and electricity you use, the cigs you smoke and the booze you drink, will soon reflect the price of President TDB’s war on carbon emissions.

Translation: You will be paying more for those everythings, in some cases a lot more, but TDB will still be able to say he didn’t raise your taxes. Those dastardly oil companies, utility companies, and everyone else are just charging more, for some inexplicable reason, probably for a greedy, insatiable, capitalistic reason.

In any event, it’s all former president Bush’s fault. If you haven’t already noticed, that’s the mantra for the TDB regime and will be for the next four years. Even Bush’s tax cuts will be the cause of all working people paying more in taxes.

How’s that? Pay attention, now!

When the much-reviled President GWB’s tax cuts are allowed to expire in 2010, American workers will be paying even more money to the government, through the nose or through some other body aperture. But, again, TDB won’t be raising your taxes. He and his Democratic congressional cohorts will just not be renewing Bush’s tax cuts. See why Bush is responsible, now? If he had pushed for no sunset on his cuts or a twenty year window you would still have them next year and beyond to 2020.

Suggestion: Hold off on Burger King and instead use coupons and skip the temptation to superzize. Bank that ten or twenty dollar weekly gift from Obama. You’ll need it to pay your future taxes. Better still, since your bank may go belly-up, stuff it under a mattress. At least then it will afford you some, temporary, cushioning.

Any Obama voters ready to repent? If not, just remember he’s only been in office for 70 days. Imagine the havoc he will wreak over the rest of his term!

Oh, yeah. If you’re among the 38% of Americans who don’t pay any federal income taxes anyway or if you don’t bother to work at all, no worries, you’re immune from the hikes in payroll taxes. You will be coughing up more for everything else but take solace in the fact they’re not direct taxes. Indirect taxes are easier on the wallet, right?

Sexting and Parenting, Or How Dumb Parents Don’t Teach Their Children Well: On different but no less disturbing news, some teenies are fighting back over their constitutional and God-given right to be junior amateur porn stars by disseminating child pornography without being charged with disseminating child pornography.

The topic of “sexting” by teenies, the super fun extra-curricular and co-curricular activity of posting pictures of themselves partially clad or in their birthday suits by cell phone has been the subject of recent articles here, notably, “Teen Sexting, Texting, and Suicide,” There are always little quirks that distinguish the stories, however.

For example, a federal judge in a Pennsylvania case, “temporarily blocked a prosecutor from filing child pornography. . .
(Read the rest at

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